Wilderness Medicine Recertification


Credit: William Woodward


Over time your wilderness medicine knowledge will fade. Are you still ready to respond? Keep your edge, learn updated curriculum, and refresh your skills: recertify your wilderness medicine training before your certification expires.


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Wilderness First Responder Recertification

NOLS offers Wilderness First Responder Recertification courses for NOLS Wilderness Medicine graduates and graduates from other wildness medicine providers. See below for more details.

WFR Recertification for NOLS Wilderness Medicine Graduates

The preferred way to recertify your Wilderness First Responder (WFR) certification or Wilderness Advanced First Aid (WAFA) certification is to enroll in a Wilderness First Responder Recertification course, or through our Hybrid WFR Recertification course, which adds an online component in addition to traditional scenarios and skills. These courses are specifically designed for students needing recertification.

This training is built around scenarios and case studies crafted to reinforce evacuation decision-making. It also provides you with the latest updates in wilderness medicine and includes Adult and Child CPR. You will be required to pass a written and practical exam.

Our graduates may also take a NOLS Wilderness First Aid (WFA) course or a NOLS Wilderness Advanced First Aid course (WAFA) to recertify their WAFA, WFR or WEMT. The Wilderness First Aid course is an introductory course for individuals with no prior knowledge and generally does not include CPR. The Wilderness Advanced First Aid course includes more topics and CPR. You may choose to take a WFA course or a WAFA course to recertify your WAFA, WFR, or WEMT, only if you hold a certification from NOLS Wilderness Medicine. To recertify a WFR using the WFA or WAFA you must pass both written and practical exams.

NOLS Wilderness Medicine certifications will be afforded a one-year period after expiration within which to recertify. This one-year re-entry period is only offered for NOLS Wilderness Medicine certifications. NOLS Wilderness Medicine certified students should bring their certification card to the course so that the instructor can verify the expiration date.

WFR Recertification for Graduates from other Wilderness Medicine Providers

NOLS Wilderness Medicine welcomes eligible graduates from other providers to recertify on our Wilderness First Responder Recertification course, our Hybrid Wilderness First Responder Recertification course, or our Wilderness Advanced First Aid course. To be eligible for recertification you must possess a current (unexpired) WFR certification from a provider whose programming meets or exceeds the guidelines established by the Wilderness Medicine Education Collaborative (WMEC). WFR courses with a minimum of 70 hours of total instruction and a minimum of 45 hours of in-person instruction will be recognized. NOLS Wilderness Medicine does not recognize certifications from entirely online training.

There is no re-entry period once your certification expires. It is your responsibility to make sure your certification meets this standard. If you are unsure, please contact NOLS Wilderness Medicine to verify your certification qualifies before enrolling in a course.

This course will also recertify those who hold a valid WEMT (wilderness portion only) or WAFA certification.

Graduates from other wilderness medicine providers may not take a NOLS WFA course to recertify a WFR certification.

Students certified by any other organization are required to submit a photocopy of their unexpired certification card on the first day of the course. Please note: We cannot issue you a new card until we have verified your previous training.

Recertify Wilderness First Aid

To recertify your Wilderness First Aid (WFA) certification you must take another Wilderness First Aid course.

See WFA Dates

Recertify Wilderness EMT

Recertification of the wilderness component of a Wilderness EMT is identical to recertification of a WFR (see above for more detail).

Or, explore alternate options below.

Wilderness Upgrade for Medical Professionals (WUMP)

Another great option for recertifying the wilderness portion of your Wilderness EMT is the Wilderness Upgrade for Medical Professionals course (WUMP). This is the best choice for students who are also seeking to maximize Continuing Education Units. You are required to submit a photocopy of your Wilderness EMT card and complete the on-course CEU roster with your name, EMT certification number, jurisdiction (e.g. county, state or national) and expiration date, on the first day of the course.

EMT Continuing Education Options

NOLS Wilderness Medicine does not offer EMT refresher courses, however two of our sponsors who are also urban EMS training agencies do provide this training. Please contact the University of Utah Center for Emergency Programs or Landmark Learning.

Be advised that most NOLS Wilderness Medicine courses offer EMT Continuing Education Units (CEU's). Your recertification choices offer the following CEUs:

Please note: NO CEUs are available for Wilderness First Aid courses.

National Registry EMT Recertification

The NREMT EMT is a two-year certification. Your certification is expired on the date of expiration. Please visit the National Registry website for information about your recertification options.

State EMT Recertification or Reciprocity

For information about how to use your National Registry EMT certification for reciprocity in each state, please visit the National Registry of EMTs website and select your state. You will be directed to the appropriate contact information for the EMS office in that state, including a Home Page for that State’s EMS website. Each state sets their own recertification requirements. Please contact your state's EMS department for more information.
