Students practicing backcountry avalanche scenarios in Grand Teton National Park.
Camera Jared Steinman

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Teton Valley Backcountry Avalanche Training


Ene 25 - 31, 2025


7 days


18+ yrs



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Skills for exploring the backcountry

If you’re comfortable skiing or snowboarding at the resort and are hungry for a new challenge, this is the course for you. Learn about snow science and ride fresh powder. Dig snow pits and practice your turns. Then, head into the backcountry to put your new skills into action. On this trip, you’ll focus on developing both your touring skills and leadership skills. By the end, you’ll earn the NOLS Level I Avalanche Training certificate endorsed by the American Avalanche Association—and head to the backcountry for more adventures.

During the day, your instructors will talk you through snow assessment and risk management. Then, you’ll put this new knowledge into practice as you explore the backcountry and learn how to find efficient routes through the mountains. Learning leadership skills like communication and tolerance for adversity through hands-on experiences will help you discover and develop your own leadership style. While you’re in the mountains, you’ll sleep in yurts with wood-burning stoves, recapping what you learned that day and preparing for the next day’s adventures. Your instructors will emphasize risk management and leadership, real skills that will help you make appropriate decisions in the backcountry. You already love being outside in winter—now, prepare yourself with the skills to explore even further.

Additional Details

Prerequisites: Experience and comfort on skis or snowboard is required (comfort on blue and ability to ski black resort runs)

Essential Eligibility Criteria

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