NOLS students paddle single and double sea kayaks on a calm day in Alaska with forested mountains in the background.
Camera Sabrina Stein

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Prince William Sound Sea Kayaking


May 21 - Jun 11, 2026


21 days


16+ yrs



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Paddle the Coast of Prince William Sound

Explore the lush, wild coastline of Alaska’s Prince William Sound while learning sea kayaking, outdoor living, and leadership skills. You’ll discover a sea teeming with life as you paddle among tidewater glaciers and crystal blue icebergs. Keep an eye out for coastal wildlife ranging from humpback whales and porpoises to sea otters and seals. Catch wild salmon for dinner and make camp in forested coves. Fall asleep to the sound of waves against the shore.

On this excursion, you’ll start with the basics and expand your leadership skills. To maximize time in more remote areas of the Sound, you’ll take a chartered boat out to a beach. Even if you’ve never been sea kayaking or camping before, this course is a great way to learn more about the outdoors—and yourself. Acquire the skills you need to travel competently in an ocean environment. You’ll start with the basics, like learning to paddle, and advance to rescuing techniques, reading charts and ocean currents, “wet exits,” and assessing marine hazards.

As you gain confidence in your kayaking skills, you’ll also grow your leadership skills. Practice good communication while planning the day’s paddling route, and learn to manage group dynamics effectively while navigating to the next campsite. Get comfortable taking on different roles to support a team, and gain insight into your personal leadership style. Return inspired and ready to lead your next adventure.

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