Explore the outdoors from canyons to mountains on the Semester in the Rockies. This course will be your opportunity to learn a variety of outdoor skills across the western United States and earn a Wilderness First Responder certification. Paddle down rapids on Utah rivers, break trail through Wyoming’s mountains, see ancient rock art, and climb high granite crags. The skills on your semester may include a combination of rock climbing, whitewater paddling, canyoneering, and backpacking. Each new skill will start with the basics and your instructors will teach everyone at their own level of experience. This means you’ll find plenty of support and new challenges whether you’re a beginner or an experienced outdoorsperson.
Leadership will be a primary focus. As you progress through the semester, you’ll build on the leadership skills you’ve learned throughout the course. For example, assessing a rapid is an opportunity to develop decision-making skills, while navigating hard terrain is an opportunity to practice tolerance for adversity. These experiences are real opportunities for you to test what you’re learning and develop your personal leadership style. By the end of this course, you’ll walk away prepared to be a leader in school, at home, and beyond.
2 courses
“NOLS taught me many things, from practical lessons in camping, rock climbing, and canoeing, to more nuanced lessons like how to give or take feedback, how to communicate more effectively, and the importance of nature in my personal life. Because of my time at NOLS I was introduced to a world that exceeded my imagination, gained a passion for the outdoors, and met many diverse and unique people.”