Camera Brian Hensien

LGBTQ+ Canyonlands Backpacking - Adult


9 days


23+ yrs


$3,350 to $3,450

See Dates

Grow your leadership and outdoor skills in a queer-positive community

Join this affinity group expedition to build leadership and outdoor skills with people who identify as LGBTQ2IA+. All levels of outdoor experience are welcome: whether you’re a first-time camper or seasoned backpacker, you’ll find new challenges in Utah’s canyonlands. This is an opportunity to develop your leadership style in a community that celebrates queer identities.

Backpack through the dramatic landscape of the canyonlands, surrounded by towering redrock formations. Explore narrow slot canyons and wade through canyon ponds on the way to your next campsite. Fall asleep under starry skies listening to wind blowing through pinyon pines. On this expedition, you’ll start with the basics, like cooking on a camp stove and reading a map. You’ll also participate in a guided leadership progression with the support of experienced instructors. As you gain confidence in your outdoor skills, you and your coursemates will take on more decision-making responsibility under your instructors' mentorship. From planning hiking routes to navigating new terrain, you’ll find opportunities to develop your personal leadership style throughout the course. Expect to return from the canyons inspired and ready to lead at home as well as in the outdoors.

Thanks to a generous donation by our friends at Trailmixer, we have 2 full scholarships available for our 2023 LGBTQ+ affinity courses! Trailmixer is a California based LGBTQ+ nonprofit organization of hikers and climbers with a mission to provide opportunity and access to the outdoors for queer youth. To advance this mission, Trailmixer is partnering with NOLS to provide scholarships for LGBTQ+ students to join Affinity programs, or the program of their choosing.

Please email for details.

Additional Details

Essential Eligibility Criteria

Course Dates

2 courses

Mar 29 - Apr 6, 2025


Mar 28 - Apr 5, 2026

