A course participant white water kayaking at the Gates of Lodore in Colorado.
Camera Brad Christensen

Rock and River


30 days


16+ yrs



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Climb, paddle, and grow your leadership skills

Push yourself to lead as you learn two unique skills: whitewater paddling and rock climbing. On this course you’ll explore the Green River’s Desolation Canyon and the crags of Wyoming. Read the turns of a river as you paddle a raft or kayak through a rapid. Deepen your knowledge of local ecology as you float through winding canyon walls. Practice reading the rock of a steep new crag and learn the skills of safe climbing. No matter your skill level in climbing or paddling when you begin, you’ll find plenty of things to learn on this course.

In addition to wilderness skills, you will focus on gaining leadership experience. Navigating a rapid becomes a lesson in teamwork. Pushing yourself to try a new rock climb becomes a lesson in self awareness and working toward goals. Each day will offer you new opportunities to find out what your leadership style is and use it to support your team. By the end of this course, you’ll walk away with experiences that have prepared you to be a leader in school, your community, and beyond.

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What Our Grads Say

“On a night just over a week into the course, it was announced we would need out headlamps and sleeping bags. We set off from the river bank towards the canyon walls. We followed switchbacks up a harrowing climb. We laid out our bags, gazed at the stars, and spent the night. I was five feet from the edge in every direction, but I slept better that night than I ever have.” 

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