
Backpacking Wyoming's Wind Rivers - Peak Bagging - Alumni


10 days


17+ yrs



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Join us for a 10-day backpacking exploration of the Wind Rivers’ high summits. This challenging, non-technical trip will attempt to summit as many named peaks and high points as possible in the granite core of Wyoming’s iconic Wind River Mountains. The hikes are tough and the non-roped climbs are steep. This trip for NOLS graduates and their friends or family. 

“Peak bagging” in this context means hiking up high, sometimes prominent summits, crossing steep slopes, navigating lots of boulder fields, and doing what it takes to get safely to the summit and back with the team. This is a non-technical expedition meaning that we won’t need ropes or carry climbing gear. All of our summits are “3rd Class” which says folks will use feet, hands, and some scrambling to negotiate the high points.

The trip will re-acquaint you with NOLS wilderness mountain travel and backpacking skills. Challenge and camaraderie go hand in hand on this remote adventure.

Fortitude, fitness, focus and fellowship are required.

Overall Difficulty*:

*Mountain backpacking and connecting high summits is hard work.

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