Born and raised in San Rafael, CA, I moved to Colorado and graduated from CU Boulder and have remained in the Rocky Mountain Region since. I received my NOLS Wilderness Medicine WFR at UC Santa Cruz in 2003 and then pursued careers ski instructing in Telluride, in wilderness therapy in Utah and in outdoor education throughout the world. In 2008, I took the NOLS Instructor’s Course and began working hiking, canyon, rock climbing, backcountry ski/snowboard, caving and mountaineering courses, gaining a multitude of wilderness medicine experience along the way. In 2013, I received my WEMT certification at the beginning of the year and graduated from the NOLS Wilderness Medicine Instructor Training Course at the end of the year. Soon after, I was instructing WFRs both in the classroom and wilderness on month long backpacking trips. I now live in Lander, WY and work as the NOLS Wilderness Medicine Staffing Coordinator, staffing wilderness medicine courses and still working NOLS field and NOLS Wilderness Medicine courses. When not working, I can usually be found climbing rocks or crocheting.