Meriwether Hardie


Meriwether Hardie

Meriwether works in climate-smart agriculture, natural resource protection, sustainable rural community development, and wilderness education. Alongside her work as a NOLS instructor, Meriwether manages Special Projects at Bio-Logical Capital, a land investment, conservation, and management company. Prior to joining Bio-Logical Capital, Meriwether led Special Initiatives at Rainforest Alliance and traveled to field projects around the globe to identify challenge areas, and designed and implemented solutions. Some days her work consisted of heading into an “office” of small, one-hectare plots of cropland, farming families, and rural communities. Other days, she met with Fortune 500 company executives, and worked on building the case for sustainability and certification, decreasing risk in their supply chains, and ways to educate consumers on environmentally intelligent practices. Meriwether’s passion for food has taken her around the world – from growing up on her family’s farm in Vermont, to working on farms throughout the Northeast, to facilitating training workshops with farmers around the world. After college, Meriwether spent a year as an environmental journalist fellow with Bill McKibben. As a fellow, she traveled to Argentina, bought a horse for $200, and rode from southern Patagonia to Bolivia on horseback, with only the clothes on her back and her voice recorder, because she realized that the best way to understand the environment was to be on the ground with local people. She reported on the swiftly changing landscape of Patagonia, specifically the consequences of the competition between traditional agricultural practices, and modern land conservation techniques, neither of which usually allow the local indigenous people sustainable livelihoods. As Special Projects Manager for Bio-Logical Capital, you will find Meriwether on the ground with projects, and speaking and educating on regenerative agriculture, renewable energy, and climate positive strategies that will help shape the future of our world. In addition, Meriwether works on recruiting leadership and talent for Bio-Logical Capital and managing investor relations.
