Camera Matt Hage

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Emergency Medical Responder Bridge


Sep 1, 2024 - Aug 31, 2025
NOLS Wilderness Medicine

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8 hours


16+ yrs

Ways to Enroll

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Qualify for your National Registry Emergency Medical Responder (NR-EMR) written test with this online class. Several federal agencies may require you to have Emergency Medical Responder certification as an employee, and this bridge course covers the EMR topics that aren't addressed in a Wilderness First Responder course.
This online course consists of videos, readings, and quizzes, and allows you to follow your own self-directed timetable. Complete the different components in the sequence that works best for you and make it fit your own schedule!
After finishing the bridge course, you will receive authorization to schedule your National Registry Emergency Medical Responder (NR-EMR) written test at a time and location of your choosing.

You can complete this online training at any point within one year of completing your NOLS Wilderness Medicine WFR course or WFR recertification. You must also possess a current Professional Level CPR card.

CPR Included



Emergency Medical Responder

Additional Details

For more information regarding eligibility, registration, and scheduling, please contact us at:

Customer Service

Registration and all customer service for this course is handled by NOLS Wilderness Medicine.