Silhouetted Mt. Baker at sunset from White Salmon Glacier on Mt. Shuksan.
Camera Tony Lu

Mountaineering on Washington's Mount Baker - Alumni


7 days


17+ yrs



Stay tuned for dates

Mount Baker, 10,778', one of the Northwest’s stunning volcanoes, is the ideal place to learn and develop your technical mountaineering skills. On this alumni trip, you will focus your learning on the technical skills required to attain the summit of Mount Baker and similar, snowy peaks. Technical rope work, crampon and ice axe use, snow and ice protection placement, and crevasse rescue training are features on this trip.

For seven days, you will travel and climb on this mountain surrounded by stunning views. You’ll work hard moving over the steep terrain with all your gear on your back, but the scenery will be reward enough. You will also learn the skills to live and travel safely in a mountain environment, and if all goes well, attempt to reach the summit. Our training starts with the basics, so novice mountaineers are welcome. We’ll start by helping you select your equipment and pack your pack. We’ll progress through basic living and travel skills on our way to learning the mountaineering skills needed to negotiate glaciated terrain and attempt the summit.

Overall Difficulty*:

*Full packs, high altitude, and glacier travel make this a challenging trip.

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Mount Baker Mountaineering Media

What Our Grads Say

“Wonderful trip  that that I highly recommend to anyone interest in learning the basics of glacier mountaineering.  Very beautiful and interesting mountain, more so than Rainier in my opinion.  Not as many people and a more remote feel.” 


If you have questions about enrollment or including families/guests on a particular alumni trip, then contact:

NOLS Alumni Department

Other Alumni Courses
